Classroom Information
1st Grade Schedule
Tardy @ 7:50
Recess @ 9:40
Lunch @ 11:00
P.E. @ 12:05
Dismissal @ 3:20
Anytime your child is absent from school, please send the doctor pass or a written excuse
explaining the reason for the absence on the day your child returns to school.
Students are expected to arrive at school and be ready for class at 7:50 each day.
Students arriving after 7:50 will be counted tardy, unless they have a note from a doctor stating they had a morning appointment.
The following consequences are for tardies:
1st tardy - free
2nd tardy - free
3rd tardy - free
4th tardy - Detention
Please send lunch money in an envelope of zip-top bag marked with your child's name,
room number, and amount of money enclosed.
Lunch accounts are available in the cafeteria using your child's ID number.
Money can be paid into the account at any time.
There will be no charging, your child will be served a sandwich and milk instead of a lunch tray.
Breakfast and lunch menu's should come home at the beginning of each month.
Mrs. Bethel's 1st Grade Homework Information
Reading - Encourage each student to read and to develop a lifelong love of reading and learning.
As with anything else we learn to do - the more practice we receive,
the more skilled we become, and the more we enjoy it.
Your child will need to read for 15-20 minutes every evening.
Reading Homework Log - This should come home on Friday on our newsletter.
It should be signed on Monday evening and returned to school Tuesday and each day after that.
Math - Each student will need to memorize the basic addition and subtraction facts this year.
Please work with flashcards to help your child with these facts.
Timed tests will be administered.
Additional math homework will be sent home as needed to review a skill that needs to be reinforced.
Spelling - A spelling test will be given each Friday and will consist of word pattern, as well as,
high frequency words that all first graders use frequently in their writing.
A word list should be sent home on the weekly newsletter on Friday's. Please help your child review the words each evening.
Please be aware that any work not completed during class time will also be considered homework and is due the next school day.
Take Home Folder - Your child should bring home a red folder every day.
The purpose of this folder is to instill responsibility and organizational skills and to
ensure good communication between home and school.
Please check this folder every afternoon for notes that need your attention, homework, and graded papers.
Please be sure your child brings this folder back to school each day.
Graded Papers - Graded papers will be placed in the pocket of the take home folder.
Please check daily for work sent home.
This will allow you to congratulate a job well done and help with anything your child is struggling with.
Grading - There are Six - 6 weeks during our school year.
Report cards are usually sent home on the Wednesday following the end of each six weeks period.
Please don't hesitate to contact me any time you have a question or concern.
Medication - If your child must take medication of any kind (prescriptions, aspirin, cough drops, or syrup, etc.),
please bring it to school in the original packaging with a note stating the time it is to be taken.
Please remember that medication cannot be administered unless the nurse has written permission from the parent/guardian.
Water Bottles - During the hot summer/spring months, the students will be allowed to
bring a water bottle. The water bttle is for water only.