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Prairiland ISD

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Health & Physical Education


Meeting Information for SHAC

SHAC Meeting Dates

SHAC Meeting Minutes

SHAC Meeting Videos

"What is SHAC?"

Every independent school district is required by law to have a school health advisory council (SHAC) of which the majority of the members must be parents who are not employed by the school district. 

A SHAC is a group of individuals representing segments of the community and school district which provides advice to the district on coordinated school health (CSH) programming and its impact on student health and learning. 

The PISD SHAC chairman: 

Julie Greer, LBSW

Dept. of State Health Services

Specialized Health - Social Services

1400 College Street, Suite 167

Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482

Work Cell: 903-920-8794

Fax: 903-439-9335



You can also visit the following website for more information. School Health SHAC


School Health and Wellness

School Health and Wellness Plan