7th/8th Grade PE
Students are not required to change into athletic clothes, but will need tennis shoes every day! Grading will be based on class participation and being prepared (having proper shoes).
Things You Will Need:
Tennis Shoes (NO Vans, Converse, Keds)
Water Bottle (no water fountains can be used, we will have option to refill bottles)
COVID PE Mitigation Plan:
Each PE class will be “split” into two groups (less than 15 students), A & B. Within each group each student will have an assigned seat for attendance, an assigned warm up spot, and will stay with that group during activity and games. All students will be encouraged to maintain 6ft of social distancing in all activities.
We will be outside as much as possible!! (Weather permitting)
Any equipment handled by students will be sanitized between each class, group use, and as frequently as possible. Equipment will stay within small groups of students to limit possible spread of germs.
Remote Learners:
I have set up a Google Classroom for our students who have chosen remote learning. Students will not be required to have daily interaction with me, but it is important for them to maintain a schedule of at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. The Google Classroom will provide several resources to help keep these students active.